“Responsive Feeding Young Children”


Authored and designed by the therapists and feeding specialists of the Chicago Feeding Group—this graphic fact sheet is a simple and accurate summary of our recommended approach to feeding young children who have transitioned to solid foods.

  • Non-technical language for parents and caregivers
  • Ideal for feeding specialists as an educational tool for clients
  • Represents the latest evidence-informed recommendations
  • An information tool to support all children, including those with pediatric feeding disorder
  • Free to download or redistribute (non-commercial)

Join the Chicago Feeding Group email list to receive helpful resources (occasional updates, unsubscribe anytime) & download the Responsive Feeding Young Children Fact Sheet. Already on our list? Use your current email and mark your role below so we can make sure we’re sending you the right stuff.


Why give away this professional resource for free?

The mission of the non-profit Chicago Feeding Group is to reach more families with this kind of clear and life-changing information. A voluntary donation is accepted to “pay it forward” so we can better reach families who don’t yet have this information. 

Who is the fact sheet for?

The fact sheet is written for parents and caregivers, and we think it is best used to introduce and reinforce responsive feeding alongside therapist instruction. 

What other resources do you offer for parents?

Chicago Feeding Group provides an online support group and a provider directory for parents seeking help.

What other resources do you offer for professionals and providers?

Occupational therapists, voice and speech pathologists, social workers, and other specialists working with families are the core audience for the Chicago Feeding Group. We are a professional resources group providing monthly education events, professional co-learning and more. 

Do I have to sign up to download the fact sheet?

This step helps us prevent abuse as well as meet our goal to improve our email list for current and new subscribers so we can send fewer but more accurate emails (especially as we expand parent vs professional resources). Your help is so appreciated! You can unsubscribe at any time. However if you still don’t prefer to update your email address, you can download here and skip this step. Thanks for your support!