Grade the Ask, A Sensitive Strategy For Careful and Successful New Food Trying
The Chicago Feeding Group is excited to welcome back Marsha Dunn Klein, OTR/L, MEd, FAOTA!
Grading the ask is the strategy of offering the child a new food to try that has a careful ask. In other words, are we offering the new foods in a sensitive, calibrated way that takes into consideration the child’s skills and experiences as well as the specific sensory properties of the new foods. We can grade the safety ask, the developmental ask, the sensory ask, the motor ask, emotional ask and independence ask. The webinar will focus on practical strategies to help parents and children succeed in new food trying and diet expansion.
Course Objectives:
- Define Grade the Ask in the context of infant and child feeding
- List seven categories for Grading the Ask
- Describe Systematic Desensitization and a Continuum Approach to choosing next steps in pediatric feeding
- List ten different practical child and parent feeding support strategies
Marsha is an occupational therapist who has spent an almost fifty year career specializing in pediatric feeding. She has co-authored a number of books on feeding including PreFeeding Skills, First and Second Edition , Mealtime Participation Guide, and Homemade Blended Formula Handbook with Suzanne Evans Morris. She co-authored Feeding and Nutrition for the Child with Special Needs with Tracy Delaney. Her most recent book is entitled Anxious Eaters, Anxious Mealtimes: Practical and Compassionate Strategies for Mealtime Peace. Before the coronavirus, she traveled nationally and internationally to present her Get Permission Approach feeding conferences…and she will again when we get to the other side of this pandemic!
This event will be held virtually via Zoom. The meeting link will be sent to registrants via email the day of the event. Please check your spam folder.
This course is being submitted for credit with the Illinois Early Intervention Program.